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Orgasmic Healing Method™ & Bliss Body Transmutation Class


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Attention HEALERS who are aware of your deeper wounds/shadows & how they are writing your life-script




EMPATHS who struggle with taking on other people's projections/emotional baggage, density in the body, brain fog, low motivation!


This Exclusive Workshop reveals... 


How to use your creation energy to clear your field & transform any heavy state into BLISSFUL FLOW.




Without complicated techniques, pills, or disembodied talk therapy.


Date: Watch unlimited!


This POWERFUL workshop was recorded live

You can get the replay now for only $33 CAD ($22 USD)


And learn how you can transmute density with pleasure to be liberated into Orgasmic Bliss!


You WILL learn...

  • My 9-step formula for transforming pain into pleasure, density into destiny

  • How to use your Creation energy to heal yourself and shift your mood

  • Change your bio-chemical / mental state using proven techniques

  • How to regulate your nervous system & activate the Bliss Body

  • Bring Unconditional Love & Pleasure to your Shadows/ the parts you reject or are most ashamed of

  • Transformational Breathwork for getting you out of the head into the body in minutes

  • Re-write your self-script & reprogram your subconscious patterns

  • And MORE!


Remember, you can unlock your full Sex Witch potential, return to your own energy, and be liberated into blissful flow! - I’ll show you exactly how to do it in this Virtual Class

Who this Workshop is Really For

This is for YOU if...

  • You are an empath and/or a healer

  • You've become aware of deeper ego wounds/ shadows and want to bring them home to Love (you want to integrate your dark and your light with pleasure)

  • You feel weighed down (at times) by other people's energies, emotions, and projections

  • You have trouble distinguishing what's your crap or someone else's

  • You get stuck in mind spirals 

  • You want to heal multidimensionally and clear lifetimes of patterning as well as ancestrally inherited patterns

  • You body feels sluggish and you feel unmotivated

  • You want to learn how to use your Creation energy to heal yourself and transform any state into bliss

This is not for YOU if...

  • You don't want to learn how to use your sexual lifeforce (Creation) energy for anything other than sex

  • You don't ever feel heavy or low energy in the body

  • You have no issue with motivation, ever

  • You don't want to expand into more orgasmic bliss

An Important Message From Your Instructor,

Amyann Faul...


I'm Taking Years Of Experience & Giving You My Exact Blueprint to Clear your Field, Transmute Density with Pleasure, come back to yourself, and be Liberated into Orgasmic Bliss!  

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Hey there,


My name is Amyann Faul and I've been where you are my friend. As an empath, I know what it feels like to not be able to separate my own emotions from what I'm sensing in others… 


I know what it's liked to be bogged down with density so heavy I can barely get out of bed for days... to be riddled with crippling anxiety...


And after years of dealing with that…

I figured out the secret that changed everything for me…

To the point that today…


 I went from not having tools to deal with all the stuff stuck in my body and my energy field, to using my Creation Energy to be able to clear my field within minutes and come back to my centre, joyous and in a flow state.


I also went from not being able to orgasm at all for most of my 20s, to now having energy orgasms without any touch whatsoever! As well as being able to feel and direct energy in the body and with a partner.…


 I have balanced my nervous system, healed myself of depression/anxiety using sexual energy, and fully exploded my artistry and creativity using sexual energy. I've also manifested a life of my dreams.…


And I’m inviting YOU and a group of amazing people to join me in this 2-Hour Workshop to learn exactly how I got here…


And how YOU can too!

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"I do a lot of deep dives into my unconscious. I've learned how to presence the parts of me I'm most ashamed of - and to bring unconditional love and even pleasure to these parts! I thereby upgrade my reality each time I practice so I'm no longer weaving from unintegrated wounded parts."

"An empath and healer I tend take on energy and emotions from other people which bogs me down. On my tantric healing journey I discovered that Orgasmic Creation energy (sexual lifeforce energy) can transmute my shame, clear my field of other people's crap, pop me out of states of density, brain fog, and low motivation, and bring me into blissful flow states! My energy is my own again!" - Amyann

Amyann Faul


In my early 20s I could not orgasm at all and sex was painful. I felt disconnected from my partner and from my own pleasure. I worked in a job that wasn’t fulfilling my soul, in an overly masculine energetic that burnt out my kidneys, liver, and adrenals. I had hormonal imbalances. I didn't know how to take time out of my cycle for rest and receptivity. I blocked my own natural abundance.

I've spent the last 18 years on a deep healing journey. At 39, I am multi-orgasmic, and I can orgasm from breath alone. I experience mind-blowing, earth-shattering pleasure and connection with myself first, and with partners. I have reconnected the nerve pathways and rebuilt the mind-body-spirit connection that were once broken by trauma, guilt, shame, and fear. I dissolved my blocks, and transmuted them into power.

I have manifested a lifestyle, and work schedule, that flow with my organic rhythms. My menstrual cycles are regular; my hormones are balanced.

Since 2012 I have been studying and training in Tantra, feminine embodiment, womb priestessing, energy healing, and other holistic modalities. I began this journey in order to heal myself. Now it's time to share with you what I have learned and embodied so far on this sacred path. 

It's my deep honour and pleasure to be your guide on your own orgasmic healing journey.

fuck YES?

Join us in the Bliss Field!

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Safe Group Container

You choose how deep to take the practices (can be  with just breath/energy) +  screens will be off for any self-pleasure work


meditation for body awareness and entering states of deep inner peace 

Guided Self-Love & Self-healing

You will be taken through a ceremonial Self-love practice for deep transformation​


Transformational Breathwork

Guided breathwork for deep somatic and subconscious reprogramming

Embodiment Practices

Tools for regulating the nervous system, getting you out of the head into the body

Sex Magic Training

How to direct sexual energy for higher states of consciousness -  to manifest your highest aligned dreams

Emotional Alchemy

use proven techniques to transform stuck emotion or pain into pleasure and power

Tantric Secrets

Ancient secrets for cellular rejuvenation, longer life, multiple orgasms & kundalini energygasms

What's Included:



​"I once had so many blocks to feeling my own pleasure and I couldn't experience orgasms with a partner. OH Alchemy allowed me to clear my  shame programming. My body unlocked. Now I experience energy orgasms without any physical stimulation!" - CP


"I can't believe how much has shifted for me since working with Amyann. Her Orgasmic Healing and Queenmaking programs are so much more than just Sex & Intimacy coaching. I'm literally going through a spiritual-sexual awakening. I'm leanring how to bring unconditional love to all of my parts. I've cleared the religious shame (which was a massive block) and finally accessed full body orgasms, along with transcendent Cosmic orgasms that take me beyond my ego's normal awareness and into God-realms of bliss." -DM




from EMPATHS who struggled with the heaviness of other people's emotional baggage, density in the body, brain fog, low energy - just like you

"I used to not allow myself pleasure when I was stressed or feeling critical of myself, and especially not when I felt like I had done something wrong, hurt someone, or failed at something (I have a very harsh inner critic voice.) With OH Alchemy I've learned to make love to the parts I used to reject. I have literally turned my pain and heaviness into pleasure and power. I experience so much more bliss in my life!" - SC 


"I often take on other people's emotions or projections of me and used to not know why I was feeling so crappy and low energy in my physical body and in my emotional body. OH Alchemy showed me what was going on and gave me the tools to clear my field so I can blissfully come back to my true Self, my true centre." - DL





All this for $33 (CAD)

(Approx $22 USD)

Join us in the Bliss Field!

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